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Bookkeeping & Tax Services

We Deliver Satisfaction

We have built an excellent reputation taking care of a wide variety of tax and accounting needs for our valued clients. Whether you need assistance with tax filings or something more complex, check out our list of specialties and get in touch to find out why so many businesses and individuals rely on us to manage their finances.

Data on a Touch Pad
Making Notes


No matter what type of financial situation you have, our team of experts will provide the best course of action. We serve clients in the greater San Francisco area with both individual and business needs.

Tax Services

We stay up-to-date on all the regulatory and legislative developments so you don’t waste time and energy trying to make sense of all the accounting complexities. Contact us today and see how we can help you.

Services: Services
Financial Analyst

Financial Consultant

Ideas for Better Returns

Lomas Bookkeeping and Tax Services provides clients with the specialized accounting support and services they need, allowing them to focus on their businesses and personal lives. We have been in the industry since 2000, and our team of licensed accountants work diligently, in accordance with the highest professional standards.

Services: Welcome
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